In Arizona, where it is always bright, it is 110 degrees today, so we are doing all we can to remain cool. I'm in if staying cool means eating ice cream every day!

I've always wanted to make my own homemade, melted chocolate ice cream that is silky smooth and creamy. Dark chocolate, sugar, heavy cream, whole milk, and vanilla are the only ingredients needed to make this homemade chocolate ice cream. Egg yolks and other filler materials are not necessary. To let the chocolate taste shine through, simplicity is key.

The trick is to boil the heavy cream, whole milk, and sugar for as long as necessary to dissolve the sugar. This guarantees a very smooth ice cream foundation. 

The moment has come to whisk the chocolate in when the sugar has completely dissolved. Pick your preferred brand of dark chocolate. I advise using dark chocolate that is between 50% and 72% semi-sweet.


The chocolate must be thoroughly melted while being rapidly whisked. Before chilling the ice cream base in the fridge, the chocolate must be completely melted. 

I advise breaking up a block of premium chocolate into little pieces. It will melt more quickly and evenly as a result of this. To make sure the mixture is completely melted, put it back on medium-low heat.


The homemade chocolate ice cream mix must be COLD before being added to your preferred ice cream machine. To become completely chilled, it must be kept in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. Even at room temperature, it won't become cold enough in an ice cream machine to freeze into a firm, scoopable consistency. Plan and prepare in advance to give it plenty of time to cool.

  • 7 ounces of chopped 50% to 70% dark chocolate (1 cup)
  • Double-cup Heavy Cream
  • Milk, whole, 1 cup
  • 3/4 cup plus 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Vanilla Extract, two tablespoons

In a large dish, combine the chopped chocolate; leave aside.

Heavy cream, whole milk, and sugar are added to a heavy-bottomed pot and heated over low heat. To dissolve the sugar, whisk often. Remove from heat before the mixture reaches a boil.

Pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate, then whisk ferociously to melt the chocolate.

Return the mixture to the heat and stir continuously for 2 minutes.

The mixture should be poured into a bowl and refrigerated in the refrigerator for at least one to two hours.

Add vanilla after the mixture has completely cooled.

Mix ingredients in an ice cream maker as directed by the manufacturer. Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container to firm it so it can be scooped. Cover securely and place in freezer for at least 4 hours or overnight, or until ice cream is hard.

From Molly Moon's Ice Cream Cookbook, with permission.
